High nutrition: Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C  vitamin A, potassium and fiber, which provide high nutrition to the body.

Heart health: Tomatoes contain a beneficial molecule called lycopene, which helps improve heart health.

Anti-cancer: Apart from lycopene, tomatoes also contain other antioxidants which help in reducing the risk of cancer.

Skin care: Tomatoes are beneficial for the skin, as they help in making the skin supple and glowing.

Helps in improving digestion: Due to the high fiber content, tomatoes help in improving digestion.

Useful against diabetes: Tomatoes contain compounds that help control blood sugar levels.

Bone Health: Tomatoes contain potassium calcium and magnesium which help in making bones strong and healthy

Beneficial for the eyes: A and C are found in tomatoes which Vitamin help in maintaining the health of the eyes.

Nutritional value of tomato in percentage

Calories: approximately 18 calories in 100 grams of Tomato.

Carbohydrates: The percentage of carbohydrates in 100 grams of tomatoes is about 3.9 grams.

Protein: 100 grams of tomato contains about 0.9 grams of protein Fat: There is about 0.2 gram of fat in 100 grams of tomato.

Fibre: There is about 1.2 grams of fiber in 100 grams of tomatoes Vitamin C: There is about 21 mg of Vitamin C in 100 grams of tomato

Potassium: 100 grams of tomato contains about 237 milligrams of potassium Lyco ipene:It s the color pigment of tomato and its percentage is about 0.8-1.2 mg in 100 grams of tomato